Hossein Naseri- founder and CEO of Samin International Group-was born in January 1975 in Azerbaijan street in Tehran. When he was 3, his father left and his mother had to work as a worker in a company. He suffered from depression when he was 6 so, he started to learn music. At the age 7, he went to Music School and after that Conservatory of Music which was his first turning point in the life. He started teaching music at age 15 after that he was employed in a company as a supplier in order to make money for his university tuition fees. His mother had insisted on his attending such a special university to get B.S in Electronic.
With the help of his brother he had become able to establish a company when he was in his early 20s. He established the roots of the modern day advertisement company named “Samin Design and Graphic Home”. Due to his ambitious personality and his belief, the company was unemployed for some years. He believed that he needs a valuable customer. All above mentioned points led to a contract with Daroupakhsh Distribution Company. The result was satisfactory so that Samin was introduced as a German company and this was the second turning point in his life.